User account basics

Log in to the web app

  1. Open the web app.
    • Enter http://localhost:1480 in the address bar of your web browser.
    • If ProNest Server is hosted on a different machine than the one you are connecting from, substitute the host and port to point to ProNest Server.

  2. Enter your Username (or Email) and password when prompted.

Log out of the web app

  1. Open the web app.
    • Enter http://localhost:1480 in the address bar of your web browser.
    • If ProNest Server is hosted on a different machine than the one you are connecting from, substitute the host and port to point to ProNest Server.

  2. Go to > Logout.

Change your password

  1. Open the web app.
    • Enter http://localhost:1480 in the address bar of your web browser.
    • If ProNest Server is hosted on a different machine than the one you are connecting from, substitute the host and port to point to ProNest Server.

  2. Go to > Profile.
  3. Select Change Password.
  4. Enter a new password (must be at least 6 characters long).

You can also change your password from within ProNest by clicking your name in the status bar, then selecting Profile > Change Password.