Viewing nests in Production Manager

All nests in ProNest that have been output will appear on the Nests page.

Requires a user account with a Production Manager role.

Nests page in Production Manager

You can quickly scan this list to see current nest status and the amount of free space for each nest.


The tags on the left show nest status.

Free space

This allows you to easily identify nests that still have available space and locate the corresponding job so that additional parts can be added, if needed.

The Free space percentage is a rough estimate of the amount of usable space on a nest. ProNest subtracts the area of all nested parts and the separation around them from the total plate area to get this number. The higher the number, the more available space on the nest.

Cutouts inside parts count as free space. Remnants created by crop cuts also count as free space.

Free space percentages of three different nests

See Adding parts to pending nests to learn more.

Nest-specific page

Click or tap any nest on the Nests page to see more information.